Home BDSM Bondage Collars & Leashes Vodítko s reťazou Mister B

Vodítko s reťazou Mister B

Puppy play leather leash

Code:  141380

Tie your doggie on a leash! Let him know who is the master. You will have him under control, just perfect for BDSM play. The leash consists of a leather handle, a thick metal chain and is ended by a carabiner. The total length of 109 cm. Detailed description

23.90 €
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Vodítko s reťazou Mister B

Puppy play leather leash

23.90 €
Last piece in stock


Mister B Leather leash with chain is a must-have for the fans of dog play, bondage and other BDSM games. Enjoy having your sub or doggie on a leash under your control and let him know who is the master. The whole leash measures 109 cm but you don’t have to give him so much of freedom. The handle is made of high-quality firm leather and the strong metal chain is very durable. The leash is ended by a metal carabiner so you can attach the leash to the collar.


Code 141380
Brand Mister B
Colour Black, Silver
Experience level (1–10) 😈 3
Material Metal, Leather
Original name Mister B Dog Leash with Chain
Size – length total (cm) 109
Tags Puppy play
Weight (g) 352
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